Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hello, Goodbye

Well we just got back from a doctors appoitment. Italy weighs 19 lbs 1 oz and Eva weighs 19 lbs 4 oz. Italy gained one oz and Eva gained 2 oz. And Logan he weighs more than his sisters and he is only 1 and they are 3. He weighs a whopping 25 lbs! What a little chunker!

Eva, Italy, and Logan all have GJ Tubes. The doctor was talking about them getting a MicKey G-button instead. I think I might go this route. The doc was talking about Italy going to a pain clinic because her pain has gotten out of control. She basically up every night crying and screaming from pain. He also said he can see alot of improvement in Eva since she got her cochelear implant 2 months ago. Italy and Eva have to get glasses. Thier going to be so cute.
The sad news is is that the doctor said Logan is going blind. Yes, my little sweet baby boy is going blind. He said we can get glasses for Logan but sadly he will eventually lose all of his eye sight. He said that it will be a very slow process. Probaly by the age of 3 he will be completly blind. This is so hard and devastating to hear. But I know we will get through this. He will always be the same little energetic funny boy he is. The kids got put on tons of medicine. Prevacid, Zofran, Glycerin suppositories, Nasonex, Tramadol, and Topamax just to name a FEW. The doctor was also talking about giving the girls and Logan botox in thier tummy. I am still quite puzzled at what this is as he didnt go into detail about this.

Cora is 2 weeks old today and is still in critical condition. Her lungs are still severly bound with infection. On the bright side Cora opened her eyes just a wee little bit today! She is still on the conventional ventilator. She got a chest tube put in and a PIC Line inserted. Tomorrow we will begin feedings, and hopefully get to do Kangaroo care! I am so excited!

I will probaly do another post tomorrow on all the kids. God Bless!


Shannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shannon said...

I left my comment earlier today and now wish I hadn't. I was a little suspicious of you when I read your blog because it just seemed too unreal. Kind of why I would like to see pictures of them as well.

I don't know why you find the need to portray yourself as the mother of four micro preemies, two with special needs. This is very unfair to us moms who are REAL and who do have REAL micro preemies and REAL children with special needs.

I hope that you are able to get the help you need instead of trying to find sympathy from people on the Internet.

Anonymous said...

I still want to know where Hattie Madison and William went!

Anonymous said...

You are sick. Italy and Eva? Sounds eerily like Holland and Eden if you ask me. As a mother of a surviving twin micropreemie, I hope you get your kharmic justice!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing funny or to mock about prematurity. Get a real life!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with shannon's comment that she left.

Anonymous said...

Clues to Detection of False Claims - Based on experience with two dozen cases of Munchausen by Internet, I have arrived at a list of clues to the detection of factititous Internet claims. The most important follow:

1) dthe posts consistently duplicate material in other posts, in books, or on health-related websites;

2) the characteristics of the supposed illness emerge as caricatures;

3) near-fatal bouts of illness alternate with miraculous recoveries;

4) claims are fantastic, contradicted by subsequent posts, or flatly disproved;

5) there are continual dramatic events in the person's life, especially when other group members have become the focus of attention;

6) there is feigned blitheness about crises (e.g., going into septic shock) that will predictably attract immediate attention;

7) others apparently posting on behalf of the individual (e.g., family members, friends) have identical patterns of writing.

Previous posts with almost all of these, paticularly 1-4 and 6 have disappeared. This blog started out as about three micro-preemies, one a four day old 23 week old on ECMO (which I really think is just not possible, given the weight/gestational age requirement for this hugely dramatic procedure), with in 1-2 DAYS that blog was gone, and replaced by this one on the very same link from another blog. The first entry from this blog (now gone)gave the kids' histories, and said that 24 week old twins Eva and Italy had ALSO both survived ECMO. The blogger has a thing for ECMO, I suppose, but she should research it better. They simply don't use it for tiny preemies, and anyway, it has a shockingly high mortality rate. When I called her on both blogs, she got rid of not only my comments, but entire posts, and an entire first blog.


Anonymous said...

S. -- Sadly I've seen Munchausen by Internet more than once myself! It makes me sad to think this happens and having lived through the NICU with my son being born at 25 weeks there is a certain element missing from the posts...I now get a feeling whenever something like this creeps up and can tell nearly right away.

A. mom to J.

Anonymous said...

First of all, Cora has a chest tube and now they are starting feedings?!? Are you that much of an idiot?

Anonymous said...

This is unbelievable. I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought Munchausen (although this is my first time seeing it "by internet"). Like Shannon said, this is so unfair, especially to us moms who have actually watched our children go through these horrible experiences in the NICU. Find another way to spend your free time.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if this is the same person who had babycenter preemie board all upset a year or more ago. That person's "baby" also had ECMO once in the NICU and once post-NICU (all fake, of course).

...??? speculation but the writing is similar as are her children's "circumstances"...

Miracles said...

I am so shocked that someone would do what this individual has done.

Being the mother of a premature baby does not bring a person attention any "normal" person would want, or reward us with points because we've been through hell and back. We have created OUR blogs so we can share our joy and our children's accomplishments with other mother's who understand what we have been through.

Out of all the things to do with your spare time, which you must have a lot of, you chose to make a blog about other people's children who you call your own.

Obviously you are not a very intellegent individual.

Anonymous said...

It's just lame to pretend to have four premmies, two with special needs. Don't you have anything better to do with your time? I mean seriously. I am a 15 year old girl with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy, life sucks sometimes, I mean, totally sucks. Have you any idea how often I wish that I was normal, that I could do everything my peers do? And here you are, pretending to have premature babies, and you know what? I have realised I AM normal compared to you! So count your blessings...

Shannon said...

To the 15 year old who commented, I would love to talk to you! Email me please!

Anonymous said...

To the fifteen year old......

I wish it was easier for you. You are right, you are far more "normal" than this unfortunate person.

To A. mom of J.

Yeah, me too, in our case our preemie daughter died, and in both fake blogs, the thing that grabbed me so immediately was her with her critically ill newborn preemies going on about routine doctors visits (or, as in the case of the other blog, about preschool, and what stroller she took her children out in) instead of trying to frantically make childcare arrangements so she could be at the hospital.

A year or two ago, our bereaved parent internet support had one of these fakers, went on for a while with escalating fake suicidal melodramas. It really shook people up. This time, I wanted to try to expose her before she did harm. I didn't succeed, she did upset people, but it looks like lots of others picked up on it, too. I keep checking back, thinking surely she will shut the site down.


Anonymous said...

Ever heard the saying "can't kill a roach"? I guess the same goes for internet trolls! This is absolutely one of the saddest, craziest things I have ever seen. What is worse- it keeps happening over & over! I used to work in a NICU & I too have a child born prematurely (although not a micro-preemie) and she has special needs as well. I am so leary of joining message boards & such for there is ALWAYS a troll/drama queen/attention seeker who eventually exposes themself & disrupts the comraderie established on the board.

I agree that there IS a certain element missing from the posts- THE TRUTH! Get your lies a little more believable before you go spouting them out for the world to read. Like one pointed out earlier, a chest tube then feedings??? How about the botox in the stomach??? What about the ability to tell EXACTLY when the boy will go blind? (What dr. in this day & age is going to give you an EXACT time for fear of being sued???) They don't just "put you on" all those meds in one appointment.


I have now wasted a few minutes of my life replying to the troll! I guess she is getting what she wants, attention! Guess sometimes negative attention is better than no attention at all. Now, go buy a blow-up doll & talk to it. Spread your lies to it & not to real human beings. I think you are forgetting that there ARE real people at the end of these keyboards & you will always be found out!

BTW, I "know" the 15 yr old (from the internet) and she IS spectacular!

Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of yourself for pretending such crazy stories!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why do you do this? We Micro Preemi moms do what we do to help others in need and in crisis...You make our job harder, as we have to be on the constant look out for fakers..

-Founder of Micro Preemie Blog Moms Group